Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh Mexico....

The sale of The Open Book has eaten up every waking minute and I have sadly neglected Bookmama's World.  While the sale of the store is still in limbo, I am leaving in about an hour for a long anticipated trip to Playa del Carmen, Mexico.  While I am there, I hope to regroup and recharge and READ!

I tend to be sensible when it comes to packing.  I throw in a few pairs of shorts, a bathing suit and a skirt.  I take the necessities.  But when it comes to taking books on vacation, I am, admittedly, ridiculous.  For this vacation I am taking two mysteries download to an MP3 player and the following books:

The Rose Labyrinth by Titania Hardie

Very Valentine by Adriana Trigiani

Eclipse by Richard North Patterson

Exile by Richard North Patterson

Quietly in Their Sleep by Donna Leon

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman 
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz 

You may not believe it, but I am concerned that I will run out of books.  Luckily, my sister and my mother will have backups waiting for me.  I will give you an update on how many I read when I get home.  In the meantime, thanks for checking in on my world.

1 comment:

rory said...

awesome! have fun